Terms of service
Our Rules, Your Rights
What are these Terms?
How you can use Mental
Using our services
You can use our services for your personal, non-commercial purposes. This means we help you maintain good mental health, but please do not resell our services
Prohibition of abuse
Use our platform in a way that does not disrupt its operation. This means no hacking, no spamming, and maintaining overall digital culture.
Our capabilities
We provide free, 24/7 mental health support, especially in areas with a shortage of specialists or where individuals are hesitant to disclose their problems.
Initial Support
We help users manage daily stresses and emotional issues.
We educate users about mental health, helping them understand and manage their emotions.
We indicate when more advanced specialist help is necessary.
We assess users' needs, suggesting appropriate next steps.
Data Protection
In our research activities, we may store and analyze chat histories and other data entered by users. To ensure transparency and maintain trust, we collect only the data necessary for providing our services, such as responses to specific questions required for the operational functionality of our service. We strongly advise against entering sensitive information that is not required, such as full names, addresses, identification numbers, or other personal details, unless explicitly requested by the service for a specific, necessary function. We take all necessary measures to ensure the security and protection of processed data in accordance with applicable law. All data are anonymized before being used in research, and storage is conducted in strict compliance with our privacy policy and applicable data protection laws. For more details, please see our privacy policy.
Our limitations
User Eligibility
You must be at least 18 years old to use Mental. If you are between 13 and 18 years old, you may only use Mental with your parents or legal guardians. Mental is not intended for use by children under the age of 13.
Diagnosis and Medication
We do not diagnose or prescribe medication – this is the role of licensed medical professionals.
Professional Therapy
We do not replace therapy conducted by specialists, especially for severe disorders.
While AI can mimic empathetic responses, it cannot replace true mental understanding of emotions.
We operate in compliance with applicable laws and regulatory standards.
What will happen if something goes wrong
Limitation of liability
We will do our best to ensure our services are reliable, but sometimes errors may occur. We cannot be responsible for incidental damages arising from the use of our platform.
Changes to the Terms
Dynamics of change
Just like the world around us, we sometimes need to adjust our rules. When we make significant changes to the Terms of Use, we will let you know.
Have questions?
Contact us
If you have any questions or concerns about the Terms of Use, write to us at contact@mental.org.pl.
Thanks for being with us
We appreciate that you have chosen Mental. We hope that our cooperation will be pleasant and beneficial for both sides.